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Since our launch in 2000, the team at HiHumans has worked tirelessly to promote our cause. We are fortunate to have volunteers and staff from all walks of life who bring their unique expertise and resources into everything we do. This is what enables us to achieve our goals year after year.

While there is always more that can be done, there is no doubt that we are making a significant impact. We don’t measure our success through just facts and figures, but through happy faces and heartwarming feedback. See how you can become part of the difference.

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Everything we do derives from our 4 values:

Curiosity, empathy, community and empowerment

Embrace questioning and challenge assumptions



We believe that curiosity is the spark that ignites growth and connection. We embrace the human drive to explore, question, and learn, recognizing that curiosity is the gateway to understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us. It inspires us to listen with an open heart and to continuously learn from the wisdom and perspectives of others. By nurturing a culture of curiosity we challenge assumptions and boxes that we put each other in. Curiosity invites us to embrace uncertainty and to celebrate the richness of human diversity. Let’s use curiosity as a guiding force for exploration, growth, and connection, because we are all unique, but we are far more alike than we are different. 

Foster understanding and nurture compassion


We believe that empathy is a powerful force that fosters understanding, community, and positive change. We strive to create an environment where people can feel seen, heard, and understood, regardless of background or experience. Empathy is at the core of our work for social wellbeing and human connection. By stepping into others' shoes and opening our hearts to their experiences and emotions, we can build meaningful and lasting relationships grounded in compassion and respect. We value empathy as a key component in creating inclusive and supportive communities. By cultivating a culture of empathy within our organization and in our society, we aim to promote a sense of belonging, community, and solidarity where everyone can feel welcomed and accepted. Practicing empathy urges us to actively listen to others, to acknowledge and validate their feelings and experiences, and to work together to address problems and tackle social challenges. Together, let us embrace empathy as a guiding principle to foster understanding, community, and wellbeing for all.


Build inclusive spaces for belonging and celebrate diversity

We believe in the power of community to foster connection, support, and collective action. We envision a world where individuals come together, united by shared values and common goals, to create positive change and promote social wellbeing.

Community is the heart of our organisation, providing a space where people can find belonging, solidarity, and mutual aid. We strive to cultivate inclusive and welcoming communities where everyone's voice is heard and valued, and where diversity is celebrated as a strength. We value community as a catalyst for collaboration and empowerment, recognizing that together, we can achieve far more than we can alone. By building strong networks of support and cooperation, we aim to mobilize resources, amplify voices, and effect meaningful change in our society.

Community inspires us to act with compassion and generosity towards others, to stand in solidarity with those in need, and to work towards a more just and equitable world for all. Together, let us embrace the power of community to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

Enable individuals to realise their power and pursue their aspirations


We believe in the transformative power of empowerment to unlock human potential, foster agency, and drive positive change. We are committed to empowering individuals and communities to realise their full capabilities and become active agents in shaping their own destinies. Empowerment lies at the core of our mission, as we strive to create opportunities for people to access resources, develop skills, and exercise their rights. We believe that when individuals are empowered, they can overcome barriers, advocate for themselves and others, and contribute to building more resilient and thriving communities.


We value empowerment as a process of liberation and self-determination, where individuals are supported to identify their strengths, voice their needs, and pursue their aspirations. We aim to equip people with the tools and knowledge they need to follow their heart and achieve their goals.


Empowerment inspires us to challenge differences, to amplify marginalized voices, and to work towards creating a more just and equitable society for all. Together, let us embrace the power of empowerment to uplift individuals, transform communities, and build a brighter future for generations to come.

See how we put our values into practice:

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